NETFUND Ag. CEO appreciates the government of Sweden for support of the Green Innovations Award

The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Forestry, Keriako Tobiko, held a bilateral meeting with H.E. Ms. Isabella Lovin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for International Development Cooperation of Sweden on November 27, 2018. This took place alongside the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference, held from November 26 – 28, 2018 at KICC Nairobi, Kenya.

The aim of the meeting was to explore ways in which Kenya and Sweden can strengthen dialogue about the Paris agreement, which unites nations to combat climate change.

During the meeting NETFUND Ag. CEO, Samson Toniok, appreciated the Government of Sweden for supporting the Green Innovations Award Programme that recognizes and awards innovative green businesses.

The blue economy focuses on new technologies and innovations for oceans, seas, lakes and rivers as well as the challenges, potential opportunities, priorities and partnerships towards improving marine economy.

NETFUND attains excellent rating in the first performance contracting evaluation