NETFUND’s Bottom-Up Approach to Environmental Protection
Integral to NETFUND’s environmental programming model has long been capacity enhancement of communities and other grass root actors. This is informed by our belief that environmental conservation gains are best realized when communities and community groups are prompted and supported to act. Indeed, evidence from our programming demonstrates that this bottom-up approach provides the much-desired sustainability paradigm to combat the pressing environmental challenges and climate crisis that the country continues to experience.
In furtherance of this, the Fund has, during the reporting quarter, dedicated resources to capacity enhancement of grass root institutions consisting farmers, community forest associations and organized community groups in various parts of the country. The intervention which often entails provision of the necessary supplies and resources to the beneficiaries so as to implement their training areas, are invariably aimed at mobilizing communities to engage in environmental conservation efforts like tree planting, reduce their over reliance on forests and forest product and sustainably enhancing their livelihoods.
Establishment of Tree Nurseries
NETFUND has implemented various programmes supporting communities and grass root organizations to establish tree nurseries. Under our government-funded economic stimulus programme, we have supported 89 groups across the country to establish tree nurseries. Likewise, under FlaRAK; a project funded by the Government of Japan through UNDP, we have trained and supported 12 groups from communities living around the two critical forest ecosystems of Kaptagat and Kakamega to produce quality seedlings and undertake tree growing activities. The scheme targets Kenyans at the bottom of the pyramid including vulnerable women and youth, persons living with disabilities and those households under extreme poverty.
Bee Keeping
Various community groups were also trained and supported to engage in nature-based enterprises mainly the establishment of apiaries. Under our ESP programme, we have supported 18 groups across the country to establish apiaries. Additionally, the Fund has supported 10 groups to establish bee keeping businesses among communities living around the critically threatened Suswa- Magadi forest ecosystem under the FlaRAK project. This is aimed at reducing communities over reliance on forests and establish sustainable income generating ventures whilst conserving the environment.
Green Enterprises
Further, under its Green Innovations Award Programme, NETFUND provides incubation services to successful grass root green enterprises through development of business plans and coaching on entrepreneurship. In the scheme, existing innovative green businesses are scouted and supported to upscale their initiatives to render meaningful social environmental impact to their localities.
In this reporting quarter, under our EMpower project, the Fund has supported 10 entrepreneurs through training on Agri-entrepreneurship using locally generated hydroelectricity in Murang’a County. Programme beneficiaries also received small cash awards and grants to boost their enterprises. The overall goal of the Fund in this initiative is to increase the uptake of green and sustainable business practices in the country while putting money in the pockets of the poor in a truly bottom-up model. Mobile home buyers are experienced in the industry and can offer advice on the best way to sell your home. They can help you navigate the process and ensure that you receive a fair price for your home. Visit
A Sustainability Model
NETFUND believes that by mobilising communities and enabling their technical and financial capacity to act for their environmental, they provide a truly helpful partnership towards national and global efforts meant to address the pressing environmental challenges including the ravaging climate change phenomenon. As a matter of fact, evidences from our programming indicate that involving communities in climate action actually does provide the much-desired sustainability paradigm to combat the pressing environmental challenges and climate crisis that the country continues to experience.
NETFUND’s Bottom-Up Approach to Environmental Protection
Integral to NETFUND’s environmental programming model has long been capacity enhancement of communities and other grass root actors. This is informed by our belief that environmental conservation gains are best realized when communities and community groups are prompted and supported to act. Indeed, evidence from our programming demonstrates that this bottom-up approach provides the much-desired sustainability paradigm to combat the pressing environmental challenges and climate crisis that the country continues to experience.
In furtherance of this, the Fund has, during the reporting quarter, dedicated resources to capacity enhancement of grass root institutions consisting farmers, community forest associations and organized community groups in various parts of the country. The intervention which often entails provision of the necessary supplies and resources to the beneficiaries so as to implement their training areas, are invariably aimed at mobilizing communities to engage in environmental conservation efforts like tree planting, reduce their over reliance on forests and forest product and sustainably enhancing their livelihoods.
Establishment of Tree Nurseries
NETFUND has implemented various programmes supporting communities and grass root organizations to establish tree nurseries. Under our government-funded economic stimulus programme, we have supported 89 groups across the country to establish tree nurseries. Likewise, under FlaRAK; a project funded by the Government of Japan through UNDP, we have trained and supported 12 groups from communities living around the two critical forest ecosystems of Kaptagat and Kakamega to produce quality seedlings and undertake tree growing activities. The scheme targets Kenyans at the bottom of the pyramid including vulnerable women and youth, persons living with disabilities and those households under extreme poverty.
Bee Keeping
Various community groups were also trained and supported to engage in nature-based enterprises mainly the establishment of apiaries. Under our ESP programme, we have supported 18 groups across the country to establish apiaries. Additionally, the Fund has supported 10 groups to establish bee keeping businesses among communities living around the critically threatened Suswa- Magadi forest ecosystem under the FlaRAK project. This is aimed at reducing communities over reliance on forests and establish sustainable income generating ventures whilst conserving the environment.
Green Enterprises
Further, under its Green Innovations Award Programme, NETFUND provides incubation services to successful grass root green enterprises through development of business plans and coaching on entrepreneurship. In the scheme, existing innovative green businesses are scouted and supported to upscale their initiatives to render meaningful social environmental impact to their localities.
In this reporting quarter, under our EMpower project, the Fund has supported 10 entrepreneurs through training on Agri-entrepreneurship using locally generated hydroelectricity in Murang’a County. Programme beneficiaries also received small cash awards and grants to boost their enterprises. The overall goal of the Fund in this initiative is to increase the uptake of green and sustainable business practices in the country while putting money in the pockets of the poor in a truly bottom-up model. Mobile home buyers are experienced in the industry and can offer advice on the best way to sell your home. They can help you navigate the process and ensure that you receive a fair price for your home. Visit
A Sustainability Model
NETFUND believes that by mobilising communities and enabling their technical and financial capacity to act for their environmental, they provide a truly helpful partnership towards national and global efforts meant to address the pressing environmental challenges including the ravaging climate change phenomenon. As a matter of fact, evidences from our programming indicate that involving communities in climate action actually does provide the much-desired sustainability paradigm to combat the pressing environmental challenges and climate crisis that the country continues to experience.