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EmPOWERING Youth & Women Entrepreneurship in Murang’a County

 Project Title:

Project Description 

The project supports women and youth in rural areas to leverage on renewable energy to increase their income. The project is co-implemented with Magiro Hydro-Electricity Limited/ Hydrobox where grass root women and youth entrepreneurs in Mathioya Sub County, Murang’a County with existing enterprises or business ideas in agri-business (banana, poultry, avocado and dairy value chains) are scouted and supported to upscale their initiatives. The goal of the project is “to provide clean, affordable and sustainable access to electricity to 750 households & businesses while enhancing women and youth- owned enterprises and business ideas” The project is aligned, and contributes to the UN Sustainable Goals No. 1, 5, 8, 9. It is also aligned to the priority sectors of the key MEAs; UNFCCC, BIODIVERSITY, Drought. Further, it helps realize the development agenda set out under the “Social and Economic Pillar” of the Kenyan Vision 2030 and the BIG 4 agenda.

Project Donor  King Baudouin Foundation
Budget 35,322 Euros
Thematic Area Renewable Energy; Green Innovation; Agri-business
Project Duration Years

project activities

CONDUCTING of baseline survey on the agricultural value chains within Mathioya area.

IDENTIFICATION and SELECTION of youth and women led enterprises or business ideas that promote uptake of renewable energy

INCUBATION of successful enterprises through development of business plans and coaching on entrepreneurship.

LINKAGES of successful enterprises to markets, suppliers, partners, investors and relevant government agencies.

Project accomplishments

  30 business enterprises identified, out of which 10 selected for incubation     

Incubation of 10 successful enterprises completed   


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