NETFUND has zero tolerance for fraud, corruption and collusive practices. NETFUND does not and shall not tolerate any fraudulent, corrupt and/or collusive practices in the course of its activities or operations. Reports of any such practices, or any attempts there of, should be promptly reported to the Chief Executive officer:
In person to: Our Offices National Water Plaza,First Floor Dunga Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi By Phone: Tel: +254-20-2369563 By Postal Mail: P.O Box 19324-00202 Nairobi Kenya Website: By Email:
NETFUND has incorporated guidelines provided by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), following the enactment of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Act, 2011. Our Anticorruption Policy is guided by the following legal instruments and institutional frameworks: Anti-corruption and Economic Crimes ACT, 2003 Government Financial Managment Act,
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